Visiting Arcadia: America’s Playable Arcade Museum

This weekend, I had a very fun opportunity to visit Arcadia: America's Playable Arcade Museum in McLean, Illinois. Arcadia is located just off of Route 66 right outside of Bloomington. Started in 2009, the arcade is the passion project of owner John Yates and is home to loads of retro hard to find arcade cabinets and pinball machines. There is also an annex called Pinball Paradise that is just pinball across the street. And this year, the arcade plans to open an expansion called Arcadia Unlimited, which will initially have 275 games and eventually have three separated areas with over…

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How to Play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a Half Shell Card Game (1990)

From the game's vintage instructions pamphlet as transcribed by ChatGPT. I do not know own the copyright to these instructions, if you would like me to take them down please contact me. I am providing this for historical and educational purposes only."TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLESHeroes in a HalfshellINSTRUCTIONSAGES: 5 and upPLAYERS: 2 to 6OBJECT:Be the last player with "Turtles" letters remaining on your score sheet.YOU SHOULD HAVE:1 card deck1 card tray1 score pad5 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle® ShellsHeroes in A Halfshell™ Card Game"In a Nutshell"Each player is dealt four cards with the remaining ones placed face down to form a…

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The Bat Guide to Cheat Codes for LEGO Batman: The Videogame

If you’re a fan of LEGO Batman: The Videogame, you know it’s all about exploring Gotham, battling villains, and unlocking cool characters. But did you know that there are cheat codes to make your adventure even more fun? Whether you're looking to unlock special abilities, secret characters, or just want to add some extra flair to your gameplay, cheat codes can give you that extra boost. LEGO Batman is one of the most popular games in the LEGO series, in which you get to play as Batman and his villains, each with their own cool powers to solve puzzles and explore…

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What’s the Best Way to Play Stardew Valley? PC vs. Console vs. Mobile?

Stardew Valley is one of the most beloved farming simulation games--a true indie classic, and I have covered it many times throughout this website and my YouTube channel. But with a game so popular comes the push for many different versions, systems, and formats to play—PC, Console, and Mobile—so, how do you decide which platform is best for you? In this guide, based on my latest YouTube video, I'll break down the pros and cons of each version to help you find the perfect fit for your play style! I have played this game on each type of system, and…

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Why Gaming on a CRT TV is Better and Where to Get One

Everybody who was born in my generation grew up with the old box style TV based on the cathode ray tube technology of the time (or CRT for short.) In this article I'll be talking about the pros of doing your gaming on these CRT style televisions instead of the more modern HD or flat screens that are prevalent today. I first started using an old box style CRT for all my retro gaming last year, after acquiring an Emerson tabletop box CRT from an estate sale last year for $5. I'll talk about some of the places you can…

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Matt and Jay, Retro Heroes of The Purple Stuff Podcast

If you ever wondered what the backstory behind apple Slice soda or Real Ghostbusters Kenner Proton Packs were, you may have heard of Matt and Jay of The Purple Stuff Podcast. They also go by the internet pseudonyms of Dinosaur Dracula (Matt) and Sludge Central (Jay). Matt and Jay have been broadcasting The Purple Stuff Podcast everywhere you can download podcasts and on Patreon since 2015. They are what I would call experts of all things retro and use their platform to talk about anything and everything nostalgically remembered by the youth of the 1980s and '90s with a passion…

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Gar-Type by Lumpy is a Horrifying Gorefield SHMUP on Itch.IO

If you go onto Itch.IO right now, you can play a space blaster game called Gar-Type by a small developer named Lumpy. So many weird chemicals are going through my brain after this game. I've been captivated by the Gorefield trend since I first played Lasagna Boy back in 2020, a hide and seek platformer also on Itch.IO that I didn't realize until today was actually part of this trend. I really only wrote about that game because the mechanics and graphics in it were so entertaining. It was also one of my first indie games--I mean really indie, pixel…

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Positivity as a Gamer Geek and a Real Human

I've been doing content creation since the beginning of the pandemic, and it started off for me with such high hopes despite the bleak circumstances. I hope to impart some wisdom onto you as to why I continue to make things for this website, my YouTube channel, and why sometimes creating things requires a unique brand of positivity. Things are not always easy for someone who is any sort of creative. We do a lot of grunt work for something which is not valued by the almighty dollar in the same way that things like commerce or industry are. Yes,…

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Guide to LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Cheat Codes

LEGO Marvel's Avengers is another great super hero game in LEGO's growing collection of family friendly titles that I'll be talking about here. This game features all the classic heroes from the Marvel Avengers comics and film series like Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, and Black Widow. The game follows the storyline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and has many puzzles to complete. These LEGO games are great because they allow you to enter in cheat codes as if it is a feature and generally allow you to do it in a cross platform way so that all the codes…

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LEGO DC Super Villains Is A Blast, And It Has Cheat Codes

Alright, let's talk about cheat codes in LEGO DC Super Villains. Here's a little background info, LEGO DC Super Villains is the fourth installment in the LEGO Batman series and a super fun and popular game out of the franchise. The game has a unique plot that takes place after the justice league has disappeared. The villains from the DC universe take on the role as the protectors of the planet against a group of other super villains from another universe. So basically The Joker, Harley Quinn, and all the bad guys are the good guys in the game. What's…

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