You are currently viewing How to Play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a Half Shell Card Game (1990)

How to Play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a Half Shell Card Game (1990)

From the game’s vintage instructions pamphlet as transcribed by ChatGPT. I do not know own the copyright to these instructions, if you would like me to take them down please contact me. I am providing this for historical and educational purposes only.

Heroes in a Halfshell

AGES: 5 and up
PLAYERS: 2 to 6


Be the last player with “Turtles” letters remaining on your score sheet.


  • 1 card deck
  • 1 card tray
  • 1 score pad
  • 5 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle® Shells

Heroes in A Halfshell™ Card Game

“In a Nutshell”

Each player is dealt four cards with the remaining ones placed face down to form a DRAW pile. Place in the center of the table one less turtle shell than there are players (for example, five shells for six players).

The dealer draws a card from the DRAW pile, decides which four of his five cards he wants to keep, then passes one card to the player on his left. The dealer then draws another card bringing his hand to five cards. The player on the left picks up the card passed to him and passes a card to the player on his left.

Play continues in this manner with the dealer constantly drawing one card then discarding one to the left and players picking up one card from the right and discarding one to the left. Cards are always passed face down. The last player before the dealer discards into the DISCARD pile rather than back to the dealer.

 When a player has four of the same character cards in his hand (except for the “Shredder”™ card) or has one each of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles®, then the player quickly takes one of the shells on the table. When he takes it, it is a cue for all the other players to quickly take a shell. The player who has no shell to take must cross out a “Turtles” letter beside his name on the score sheet. The player who took the first shell must show his cards to the other players. The cards are then placed in the DISCARD pile.

When a player crosses out a “Turtles” letter, the round is over. To start the next round, all the shells are placed back in the center of the table. The player to the left of the dealer is next to shuffle all the cards and deal them out as before.

Once you cross out all your “Turtles” letters, you are out of the game. The last player with letters wins.

When a player has four of the same character cards in his hand (except for the “Shredder”™ card) or has one each of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles®, then the player quickly takes one of the shells on the table. When he takes it, it is a cue for all the other players to quickly take a shell. The player who has no shell to take must cross out a “Turtles” letter beside his name on the score sheet. The player who took the first shell must show his cards to the other players. The cards are then placed in the DISCARD pile.

When a player crosses out a “Turtles” letter, the round is over. To start the next round, all the shells are placed back in the center of the table. The player to the left of the dealer is next to shuffle all the cards and deal them out as before.

Once you cross out all your “Turtles” letters, you are out of the game. The last player with letters wins.

Now For The Details

  1. Choosing a Dealer – Every player picks a card. The first person to pick Splinter™ is the dealer.

  2. Taking a Shell – When the first shell of the round is taken, each of the other players tries to take a shell too! To take the first shell, you must have one of the combinations shown as described below.

  3. Single Turtle Character Cards – Collect four of the same turtle or one each of the four different turtles, and you may take the first turtle shell.

Image of four identical cards featuring a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

Four Cards with the Same Turtle

Image of four different turtle character cards

Four Different Turtles.

4. Double Turtle Character Cards

To take the first turtle shell, you may use two cards showing the four different characters. One double character card may be used with two single Turtle cards, but they must show all four different characters and be all of the same green color background. The double character card with the red background cannot be used in this combination.

Image of two double character cards

Two Doubles

Image of one double character card and two single character cards

One Double, Two Singles with Same Color Background

5. Splinter™ Cards and April™ Cards – You may use four Splinter cards or four April cards to take the first turtle shell.

(Images of Splinter and April cards)

6. Shredder™ Cards – Any player stuck with any Shredder cards in his hand at the end of the round of play, must lose one letter even if he successfully took a shell. If he was not able to take a shell and is stuck with any Shredder cards, he loses two letters.

(Image of Shredder card)

7. Cards In Your Hand – During play you may never have more than five cards in your hand or less than four at any time. If you are ever caught with more than five or less than four cards, then you immediately lose one letter.

8. Incorrect Hand – If you are the first to take a shell, but were caught not having the correct combination of cards, then you lose one letter.

9. Scoring – Score sheets have the word “Turtles” spelled out. Write the names of each player on the sheet. When the other players have taken shells, the player with no shell to take loses one letter.

10. Winner – When a player loses all the “Turtles” letters next to his name, he is out of the game. All the remaining players continue to play until only one player is left with letters. If all the remaining players should lose their letters at once, play one more round to determine the winner.

© & ™ 1990 Mirage Studios, USA

(International Games Inc. logo)
Manufactured and Distributed by
International Games Inc.
Joliet, IL 60435″


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